October 18, 2024

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Get the Best Deal in Parking Lot Striping

Get the Best Deal in Parking Lot Striping

Some history about parking lot striping may be in order before delving into getting the best deal out of it for any facility. Post-World War II economy has made a giant out of the automobile industry, spurred by the government’s drive to better the transportation services in the country. With more cars on the roads, better highways, road networks, and navigational systems were established. As part of road navigation improvements, car parks and the need to stripe them became an essential component of the road system.

As consumers navigate the roads more often to conduct their daily lives, businesses grew in the awareness of the importance of car parks to attract and maintain the loyalty of customers. As part of enhancing customer relations, car ports and stalls in business facilities became the norm. And with federal laws regulating the design of car parks in state highways and businesses, adequate space and good parking lot striping became standard fixtures in business facilities.

Parking lot striping is integral to the business because the car park is the first part of the facility that car-going customers commonly encounter, and a good impression of these areas is therefore critical. Entrusting this project to a parking lot striping contractor carries with it a high degree of attention to detail and some careful research, in order to get the best value for the project.

Where to start? From the few simple guidelines enumerated below:

1. Clarify parking lot striping goals. The design dictates the way the striping contractor will work. Facility managers should be concise on the deliverables and expected output of the project. This way, the contractor knows exactly what are the targets that need to be reached, to guaranteed satisfaction.

2. Balance the need for quality over cost. It’s a tightrope, but facility managers just have to walk this line to get the best value out of the parking lot striping project. Quality need not be expensive, in the hands of a capable contractor.

3. Think ahead and into the future. The business car park may evolve in the course of time to keep up with business growth. Facility managers must take this into consideration in parking lot striping. Future business expansion, natural aging, and physical damages from constant heavy loads will also cause the car park to change, and the contractor must be able to anticipate and address these issues.

4. Be attuned to cutting-edge striping technology. Innovations abound everywhere, with almost all painting contractor companies stocking up on these technological advancements and products. Facility managers must keep in step not only with what’s new or what’s hot, but most importantly, what’s good quality, when it comes to these innovations.

5. Place a premium on knowledge, skills and experience. It is a wise move to rely on a parking lot striping company that has successfully completed many striping projects in its work history. Hands-on experience is an important factor in the success of the project, and facility managers must consider this as one strength of any potential contractor. Experience can be verified from testimonials of past clients.

Parking lot striping not only assures compliance of federal regulations, but in getting the best deal with contractors in the conduct of the striping project, also guarantees a well-designed parking area for vehicles, to the convenience and delight of customers.

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